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I - Important Notes Concerning SSEEdit:

"SSEEdit is a really good application available on the nexus that provides you with the ability to modify every plugin as you wish, create plugins and patches, and clean plugins"

Important Notes

II - How To Use SSEEdit:

I - Launch LOOT through Mod Organizer 2. Check to see if there are any dirty plugins.

II - Close LOOT; having made note of the dirty plugins, navigate to the Mod Organizer 2 executables list. Add SSEEditQuickAutoClean.exe  to the executables menu and add the following arguments:
• -DontCache
• -IKnowWhatImDoing

III - Add SSEEdit.exe to MO2 as an executable and add the following arguments:
• -C:"D:\Gaming\Tools\xEdit\Cache\"
• -IKnowWhatImDoing 

IV - Now launch SSEEditQuickAutoClean through MO2 and select the dirty plugin. Take special care to re-launch SSEEditQuickAutoClean after each cleaning process.

V - Click OK and wait. You must be patient! Some plugins are cleaned quickly, while others take much longer to finish. Once it's complete the application should look something like this:

You can now close the application. And this is it! Your plugins are now cleaned and optimized for a better experience!

How to Use xEdit

III - ESLifying

Why ESLifying ?

Skyrim is a game that, concerning mods, has some limitations. Especially for the plugins. Skyrim is limited at 255 esps, and over 4000 esls. Going over the limitation will result having an instable game, you might even not be able to run it. We can consider that you are not limited when it comes to esls, but pretty much limited with esps and esms. 

So first thing you have to do before eslifying is to check if the mod contains esls or esp-fe options. If yes, go for them. If not, we will see if we can eslify them.

How to ESLify ?

There are many ways to do this, but the easier and safer way to do this is to first install Ruddy88 ESLify:

  • Download the file manually;

  • Extract its content in SSEEdit files;

  • Once this is done, go back to your mod manager, run xEdit and load your plugins;

  • On the left pannel, select all the plugins, right click and select "apply scripts...";

  • On the list, choose R88 ESLify. It will show you a pop up of plugins that can be turned to ESL. Select them all, and just apply the changes and you are done!


Use this technique frequently, it can save you a lot of plugin space, and its pretty quick to do!


IV - Checking for errors

As you might know, some plugins can contain a lot of errors, and might then cause crashes or bugs into your game. We want to get rid of that.

To do so, here is what you need to do:

  • Open xEdit, and select your plugins;

  • Once loaded, select one, right click on it, and click on "check for errors";

  • There are two cases:

    • If your plugin does not contain errors, well good! Just repeat the operation for the next plugin.​

    • If your plugin contains errors, then check the message to see what kind of error it is. Here we are only looking for "error: could not be solved" messages, as these are the ones breaking your game. just follow the message path, find the error, and just right click on it, and delete it. ​​

Checking for Errors

V - Quick Auto Clean

As you might have noticed, sometimes when you launch LOOT, you get messages warning you that you have dirty plugins (those messages are highlighted in yellow). This means that the plugin contains records that have to be removed. To do so:

  • Start xEditQuickAutoClean through your mod manager;

  • On the plugin list pop-up, select only the plugin that must be cleaned. Be careful! You must only choose one plugin at a time for this operation!

  • Click ok, then wait for xEdit to finish the clean. Once done, just exit the app, and repeat the process for all dirty plugins.

Quick Auto Clean
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